Darkrp gmod server
Darkrp gmod server

darkrp gmod server

The lines are used to make big spaces, since using blank spaces does not work in Steam. This file is located here: drive name:/Program Files(x86)/yourfilepath/blah/steamcmd/garrysmod/cfgĪn example of a server.cfg file would look like this:

darkrp gmod server

This file is used to set the Sandbox limits, and to set all console commands that are getting automatically executed when the server is booting up. Now, we have to configure it, to make it work properly and to keep things organized.įirst thing you should do, is to configure the server.cfg file. If you struggle to install DarkRP after reading this, please open a discord ticket or open a ticket through your billing area for help.Our server is now installed. Please note that if you want to perform any edits to DarkRP, you should install the "DarkRP Modification" mod shown under the Addons category in Mod Manager and perform your edits there rather than editing the gamemode itself as this can cause DarkRP to break. Right now, we just need to update the "Gamemode" section to say "darkrp" which will, upon reboot of your server, launch into DarkRP! Commandline Manager is used to update the startup options of your service so do be careful with what your editing here. In that list should be "Commandline Manager", please click there. Using the button just below Mod Manager, "Configuration", clicking that will expand a list. Step 3) Now that DarkRP is installed, you will need to make your server startup off the gamemode properly. If you hit the Install button, the mod manager will automatically install the most recent version of DarkRP to your server. In the middle of the "Addons" and "Maps" category, you should see a category called "Gamemodes", under that you'll find DarkRP 2.7 sitting at the bottom of that list, as shown below.

darkrp gmod server

Step 2) You'll now see a breakdown of all mods currently available to you. Step 1) On the left hand side, you'll see the button for Mod Manager as seen below. To get started, login to your panel and select your server. Installing DarkRP on your server is made easy thanks to our Mod Manager!

Darkrp gmod server